Two Minute Tuesday: Quick Find

When we introduced PCRecruiter 9 in late 2014, one of the coolest new enhancements was the Quick Find box. This week’s Two Minute Tuesday will show you how the Quick Find can get you to the record you want and doing what you needed to do with it in fewer clicks than a full search.

When we introduced PCRecruiter 9 in late 2014, one of the coolest new enhancements was the Quick Find box. This week’s Two Minute Tuesday will show you how the Quick Find can get you to the record you want and doing what you needed to do with it in fewer clicks than a full search.

NOTE: This feature is only available on hosted accounts.

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

Welcome to another “Two Minute Tuesday,” Main Sequence’s series of very short videos with handy tips, helpful tutorials and hot topics related to PCRecruiter.

This week we’re going to look at the Quick Find feature, which was introduced with PCRecruiter 9, but which you might not be taking full advantage of. The Quick Find is a really handy way to get to the records you’re dealing with currently and perform a number of common tasks with them.

The Quick Find box is located in the upper right corner of your screen. To use it, you’ll just type any term into the field – this can be a name, a company, a web address, a title, a job ID
 even a phone number.

For example, let’s say I’m looking for a contact of mine named Hiram Smith. I type “Smith” into the box, the system returns up to five names, five companies, and five positions that have “smith” somewhere in their major fields. In looking at these results, we can see that in some cases Smith is the last name, and in some cases it’s part of the company name. In the positions section, there’s even a job title that includes “Smith”.

Which five records appear is decided based on the last date of activity or changes to the record. That way, the “Smith” I’ve been dealing with most recently is likely to appear in these Quick Find results. And if the Smith I want isn’t in the database, there’s a ‘plus’ icon so that I can add a record on the fly.

The icons below each result give you fast access to the major functions for that record. I can send Mr. Smith an email, view his resume, create an activity or note, add an attachment, submit a profile form, look at the pipeline interview records, or add his name to a rollup. Under the company results, I can also add a new name or job to a company. And from the position results, I can open the external posting panel, email the job info to someone, add a new pipeline record, view the pipeline, or record a placement.

Clicking on any record loads it in the lower panel and closes the Quick Find results, but if I simply want to close the results section manually, I can use the small ‘x’ in the upper corner.

This new way to get to your records isn’t a replacement for the full name, company, and position search screens that PCRecruiter has always had, but if you need to find a record you’ve touched recently and do something with it in a snap, the Quick Find can be a great shortcut.

For more Two Minute Tuesdays, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

Two Minute Tuesday: Custom Layouts

One of the most powerful features of PCRecruiter is the ability to configure your fields and screens to fit your own purposes. Today’s Two Minute Tuesday walks through the process of configuring the custom layout of name records. The same principles apply to job and company records as well. PCRecruiter 9’s layout editor makes it a snap!

One of the most powerful features of PCRecruiter is the ability to configure your fields and screens to fit your own purposes. Today’s Two Minute Tuesday walks through the process of configuring the custom layout of name records. The same principles apply to job and company records as well. PCRecruiter 9’s layout editor makes it a snap!

If you’re using both PCR 9 and PCR 8 interchangeably with the same username, you may want to skip this one, as the older version may not be able to make sense of the configurations you make with the newer version.

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

Welcome to another “Two Minute Tuesday,” Main Sequence’s series of very short videos with handy tips, helpful tutorials and hot topics related to PCRecruiter.

PCRecruiter 9 introduced even more flexibility into name, company, and position screen customization. Tweaking your screen layout to put your important info where you need it can help you get things done faster. If you haven’t done it before, we’re going to show you how.

Let’s customize the name record layout. Under the action menu, I’m going to choose the ‘Customize’ option. If you don’t see the icon, your account may not have the necessary permission to make these changes, so check with your admin user.

Right now, my screen is laid out with two columns. My monitor is wide enough for a third, so I’m going to add a column. I want to separate the contact information into its own group. I create an empty group and name it “Contact Info”. Now I can drag the contact fields into the new group, and I can click the menu on each field if I want to make it required or read-only, change the way it’s labeled, or give it a default value.

I want to add “Cell Phone” to this group. To add a field, I click the empty slot and start typing to find it in the list of available fields. Here it is. Oops! This highlight means that my selected field is already on the layout somewhere else, so I can just move it.

I can also use the ‘Add Group’ button to include larger panels such as the resume, attachments, activities, and so on. To do that, I select “Shortcut” instead of “Regular Group”. I can use the dropdown to select “View Formatted Resume” as the content of this panel, which will let me see the resume right on the record without going into the resume screen. Once I’ve created field groups, I can move the groups into any order I choose.

Let’s say I’ve got a set of fields that I don’t need to see all the time, but I do need all in one place. I can add more tabs to my layout to include them. I click this ‘Plus’ at the top and give the new tab a name. Now it appears here as an option. Before clicking it, I need to save the changes I’ve already made. Now I click on my new tab and add groups and fields to it.

Now let’s see the result. Here’s the new layout, and the new tab. This layout will apply to all names I look at while logged in with my username. The ‘View Formatted Resume’ panel is closed by default, but clicking on it expands it. PCR will remember which expandable panels I have open or closed, so I’ll see the same items expanded as I move from record to record.

You can customize your company and job layouts in the same way, and an admin user can copy one user’s layouts to others in the database to keep things consistent.

For more Two Minute Tuesdays, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

Two Minute Tuesday: Stationery & Signatures

Today’s Two Minute Tuesday looks into creating signatures and stationery in PCRecruiter, and the reasons why you may want to have both. Even those of you using the PCRecruiter Portal for MS Outlook will likely want a signature configured for use with bulk emails and form letters.

Today’s Two Minute Tuesday looks into creating signatures and stationery in PCRecruiter, and the reasons why you may want to have both. Even those of you using the PCRecruiter Portal for MS Outlook will likely want a signature configured for use with bulk emails and form letters.

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

Welcome to another “Two Minute Tuesday,” Main Sequence’s series of very short videos with handy tips, helpful tutorials and hot topics related to PCRecruiter.

In this week’s edition we’re going to talk about the email signature and email stationery features in PCR. Both of these items can be configured from the ‘Email Setup’ area under ‘System.’

When you launch an outbound email from PCR, you’ll always start with either an empty document, or with a saved template or form letter. When you’re opening a new, non-form-letter email, PCR usually gives you a blank page to type into. But if you have configured a stationery, then that stationery will be loaded as your starting point rather than the default blank document.

In your stationery, you can define not only a signoff for your email, but other elements like headers or sidebars or background images. You probably won’t want to get too wild with the layout though. Emails with lots of fonts, colors, and images not only can look unpredictably different on computers other than your own, but can also make spam filters a bit more suspicious, and generally tend to have a lower response rate than emails that are less fancy and more personal.

It’s possible to enable or disable the stationery at any time with the dropdown at the right of the setup screen. You can even store multiple stationeries in the system if you need to switch between them for any reason.

Many people choose not to use a stationery, but simply set up a signature. Using the dropdown on the configuration screen, you can set your signature to be automatically appended to the bottom of all blank emails you begin. Alternately, you can choose the “Select Signature for Each Email” option, which allows you to manually add the signature to your messages whenever and wherever you please by clicking this icon in the editing toolbar.

We recommend creating a signature even if you’re going to use stationery, because the signature is also used whenever you have a template or form letter containing the “current user email signature” merge tag. This is great for situations where multiple users need to send the same form letter, but want to include a personal sign-off. Just add the tag wherever the signature should appear in the form letter, and the system will place your signature there when you send that email to one or more people.

Remember, if you have both a stationery and signature active, the stationery will be loaded as the starting point for your one-off emails, and the signature will remain available for use in form letters or any time that you click the ‘signature’ toolbar icon.

For more Two Minute Tuesdays, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

The numbers for 2015 are in and we are breaking many of our own records. Most proudly, Main Sequence realized an overall client retention rate of 95% last year!

Having the vast majority of our customers remain on board with PCRecruiter makes us happy not only because it means that users are satisfied with our solution, but it’s also a great indication of their continuing success and the health of the recruiting and staffing market space at large.

We’re already breaking new records in 2016, and we look forward to sharing more exciting announcements with you soon.

Two Minute Tuesday: HTML Job Descriptions

In this Two Minute Tuesday we’ll look at best practices for entering job descriptions in PCRecruiter’s HTML editor. We’ll talk about the difference between using “Enter” and “Shift+Enter,” and about how to make sure your descriptions are clear of inline font formatting so that your jobs can be consistent on the web.

In this Two Minute Tuesday we’ll look at best practices for entering job descriptions in PCRecruiter’s HTML editor. We’ll talk about the difference between using “Enter” and “Shift+Enter,” and about how to make sure your descriptions are clear of inline font formatting so that your jobs can be consistent on the web.

NOTE: You can also use the ‘Tx’ icon in the HTML editing toolbar to wipe all formatting from your highlighted text.

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

It’s time for another “Two Minute Tuesday,” Main Sequence’s weekly series of very short videos designed to highlight often overlooked PCRecruiter features, concepts, or best practices in a convenient couple of minutes.

In this “Two Minute Tuesday” we’re going to talk about job descriptions. PCRecruiter stores all job descriptions in HTML format, and PCR 9’s industry-standard HTML editor is largely self-explanatory, but understanding a bit about how it works with HTML can help you create more visually consistent job descriptions.

Proper HTML only describes a document’s structure, not its appearance. It “marks up” which parts are paragraphs, headings, or list items, but says nothing about their fonts, colors, sizes or spacing. If my job description only contains structure markings and not visual styling, it will automatically take on the styling of the website or document it appears in. Right now it’s being displayed in the default styling of the HTML editor itself.

This “Qualifications” line should be a heading. My instinct might be to change its appearance with the font size pulldown, but the better method is to mark the text as a heading, using this dropdown here. My website’s got rules about what styling should be applied to headings, so my job description’s headings should automatically follow those rules. As a bonus, if those rules change when I revise my website, I won’t have to update all my job descriptions.

Another thing you should be aware of is ‘shift-enter.’ If I’m typing within a paragraph and I hit enter, all I’ve done is added a line break into my current paragraph. When I hold shift and hit enter, the editor creates a new paragraph. My website’s already got style rules regarding how much margin should be between paragraphs, headings, and so on, so when I insert line breaks where I really mean to start a new paragraph, the spacing could be off. Shift- enter works in reverse while I’m working inside a list
 simply hitting enter creates a new list item, while using shift-enter creates a line break inside of my current list element.
Lastly, job description source documents often lack proper structure markings, so when you copy and paste into any HTML editor, including PCR’s, the software’s best guesses about line breaks, bullets, and so on may be incorrect. It’s always best to start with unformatted text or type descriptions directly into the editor if at all possible. If you’re using the Chrome browser, there’s a shortcut; copy your text, and then use CTRL-Shift-V, which pastes only the unformatted text into the editor. Then just re-apply the structure markup from there.

For more Two Minute Tuesdays, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

Two Minute Tuesday: Import Contacts from LinkedIn

Another Two Minute Tuesday video is here! This time we’re going to walk through exporting your contacts from LinkedIn as a CSV file and importing them into your PCRecruiter database with the Generic File Mapper/Importer. This is a great way to load up contacts for a new recruiting desk or when you’re getting started with a fresh database.

Another Two Minute Tuesday video is here! This time we’re going to walk through exporting your contacts from LinkedIn as a CSV file and importing them into your PCRecruiter database with the Generic File Mapper/Importer. This is a great way to load up contacts for a new recruiting desk or when you’re getting started with a fresh database.

NOTE: This video was made in 2016 and some information may have changed. As of 2020, LinkedIn’s instructions for exporting contacts can be found here.

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

Welcome to this week’s “Two Minute Tuesday,” Main Sequence’s weekly series of very short videos with tips, tutorials and techniques designed to help you become a more powerful PCRecruiter user in just a couple of minutes.

In this episode we’re going to walk through importing a list of contacts from LinkedIn, which can be handy when you’re just getting started with PCR or if you add a new recruiter to your office and want to load their connections into the database.

You can import them one at a time of course, and there are browser plugins that can shortcut the process, but if you want to bring all of your LinkedIn contact data into the system at once, here’s how to do it.
Under “My Network” on LinkedIn, open “Connections”. Now click this little Settings gear on the right, and under ‘Advanced Settings’ you’ll find an Export option. The default data format is a text file with comma-separated values, otherwise known as a .CSV, and that’s just what we want. Click export and fill out the Security Verification to start the download.

The data that’s included in the export will depend on your particular LinkedIn account and connections. I’ve opened my exported data in Excel and deleted all of the empty data columns to save myself some hunting in a later step.

Now, in PCR, we’ll go to the quick-add icon in the upper right, and choose Name. We want to Import a List.
Step one is to create or select a rollup list (see last week’s episode for more on those). I’m going to pick this empty list I made earlier. We can choose from a few pre-loaded data formats, but for this purpose we want the Generic Importer.

Now we browse for the CSV file. The default settings here are just fine for our purposes. After we click ‘Next’, we click in these boxes here to choose which column in the CSV should be imported into each PCRecruiter field listed on the left. My data only had names, companies, email addresses, and job titles, so I can leave the rest alone.

We click “Next” again, and specify how the system should handle any duplicates. I’m going to tell it to update any existing records in the database with the data from the CSV if the Name and Company both match exactly. If there’s no exact match, a fresh record will be made. Any contacts that have no company name at all will be imported into the default candidate pool company.

When we click “Import”, the system starts creating name and company records as appropriate for everyone in the CSV, and adds all the names to the selected Rollup so they’re easy to start working with.
As a final tip, you might want to consider having a blank database added to your PCRecruiter account for doing big imports like this. That way you can make sure the imported data all looks correct and clean before transferring the records from the empty database into your live one.

For more Two Minute Tuesdays, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

Two Minute Tuesday: What is a Rollup?

In this week’s new Two Minute Tuesday video, we’re talking about Rollups. Rollup lists are one of the most powerful tools in the PCRecruiter toolbox, but are often underutilized or misunderstood by new users (and even seasoned ones). This video gives the overview, and in future editions we’ll get into some of the cool things a Rollup can be used for.

In this week’s new Two Minute Tuesday video, we’re talking about Rollups. Rollup lists are one of the most powerful tools in the PCRecruiter toolbox, but are often underutilized or misunderstood by new users (and even seasoned ones). This video gives the overview, and in future editions we’ll get into some of the cool things a Rollup can be used for.

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

It’s time for this week’s “Two Minute Tuesday,” Main Sequence’s series of very short videos designed to highlight often overlooked PCRecruiter features, concepts, or best practices in a convenient couple of minutes.

This week, “What is a Rollup?” Rollups are one of PCRecruiter’s most powerful features, and yet they’re often misunderstood or underutilized by newer users.

In the simplest terms, you can use a Rollup to group together (or roll up) any bunch of names, companies, and/or jobs. Common reasons for grouping records are to save search results, which you can then sub-search and sort within, manage calling lists, send a bulk email or text message, filter job boards and reports, export and sync with other databases, and make changes to, delete, copy, or move lots of records all at once.

The most common way to roll records up is to run a search, select some or all of the records, and then click the rollup icon in the actions menu at the upper right. You’ll see your most recently viewed rollups presented first. You may be wondering about these name, company, and position columns. Well, think of every rollup list like a three-page pad of paper, with one infinite sheet for each of the three record types. These columns indicate how many of each type of record are on the list. In most cases, my lists will contain just names, companies, or jobs alone, but if I wanted to roll up all of my jobs, contacts, and candidates in Cleveland together, I could put them all on the same Cleveland list. Keep in mind that any one record can be on as many rollups as you wish, but the same record can’t appear on the same rollup more than once.

Now, if I wanted to add the records I selected earlier to an existing list, I’d just select a recent rollup or click “Rollups” in the sidebar to search within all of the lists in my database. But right now, I want to create a new rollup, so I click “Add Rollup”. The Description is all that’s required, but I may want to categorize the list or write a memo about what it’s for. When I click save, PCR generates a new list and puts my selected records on it. If there are a lot of records, I can minimize the window and go about my work in the system while the list is compiled.

You’ll also find a “Rollup” option in the navigation menu on names, companies, and jobs for managing a single record’s appearance on related lists, and a ‘Rollups’ option in the main menu, where you’ll go to manage and work inside of your lists in general.

In future episodes we’ll talk about some of the handy things you can do with Rollups, but that’s it for this week’s Two Minute Tuesday. For more, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

Two Minute Tuesday: Mobile App

In this week’s new Two Minute Tuesday video, we’ll take a look at the PCRecruiter Mobile App for iOS and Android devices. This free mobile app is a great way for staffing and recruiting professionals to access applicant and hiring authority data on-the-go. Being away from your desk doesn’t have to mean being away from your database!

In this week’s new Two Minute Tuesday video, we’ll take a look at the PCRecruiter Mobile App for iOS and Android devices. This free mobile app is a great way for staffing and recruiting professionals to access applicant and hiring authority data on-the-go. Being away from your desk doesn’t have to mean being away from your database!

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

It’s time for another “Two Minute Tuesday,” Main Sequence’s weekly series of very short videos designed to highlight often overlooked PCRecruiter features, concepts, or best practices in a convenient couple of minutes.

This week’s “Two Minute Tuesday” is about the PCRecruiter Mobile App for Android and iOS, which we released in 2014, but which you might have missed. You can find the app by searching your app store, or going to the downloads area of our website. Best of all, the app is completely free for PCRecruiter 9 users.

The first time you launch the app, you’ll tap the “Change Login Url” option to give the app the web address of your PCR account. Then you can use your usual username and password to connect to a database in your account.

The menu in the upper right takes you to the search and add options for the major record types and to the Settings area where you can change accounts or log out. Tap “Add” to create a new record, or “Search” to do a basic search.

Most often you’ll use the ‘search’ box at the top of the app, which can find names, companies, and jobs all at once.

When viewing a contact, you can email, call, or text them right from the record using the built-in features of your device. And of course PCR will log an activity indicating that you hit the email, call, or text button.

You can also view the resume, and email it or share it to other apps, and work with activities and notes. If there’s a LinkedIn profile stored for this contact, you can jump right to it.

From a job, we can see the description and make changes to the basic fields on the fly, and use the Share icon to push the job’s web extensions link into an email, text, or tweet.

Tapping the PCR icon in the upper left brings the recently viewed items so we can jump back to them at any time.

This is just the first version of the PCR Mobile app, and we expect to add more cool capabilities and connections to it down the road. Download it from the app store today and consider giving it a five-star review!

For more Two Minute Tuesdays, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

Two Minute Tuesday: Snapshot

Today marks the premiere of our new Two Minute Tuesday video series. Each week we’ll be posting a very quick video with a tip, tutorial, or topic that we think will be helpful to our users.

Today marks the premiere of our new Two Minute Tuesday video series. Each week we’ll be posting a very quick video with a tip, tutorial, or topic that we think will be helpful to our users.

This first installment talks about how to use the Snapshot service to review your previous day’s backup on our ASP, which is handy if you accidentally alter your form letters, custom data forms, or other PCRecruiter content in a way that can’t easily be reversed.

If you have any comments or suggestions for something we can explain in about two minutes, send an email to

Video Transcript

Happy new year everyone, and welcome to the first “Two Minute Tuesday,” a new weekly series of very short videos from Main Sequence Technology. We’ll be releasing a timely tutorial, terse topic, or tiny tip every week at roughly this time. Each one will be a quick overview of some often overlooked PCRecruiter feature, or some concept or best practice that we think can be highlighted for our very busy users in a convenient couple of minutes.

Kicking off the series, this week’s “Two Minute Tuesday” is about Snapshot.

Have you ever permanently deleted a record, mass-changed a rollup, or made some other edit to your PCRecruiter data that made you wish you could go back in time? Well, that’s what snapshot is for.

Let’s say one of my co-workers removed some content from one of my form letters by mistake. No problem.

I’ll start by going to my PCRecruiter 9 login screen in another browser window. In the address bar, I’m going to remove the “www2” and replace it with “snapshot2”. If I were using the older PCR 8, I’d be replacing “www” with “snapshot”. The rest of the URL stays the same.

I’ll send the browser to this altered address, and log in as usual. What we’re looking at here is a read-only copy of yesterday’s database backup. I can look at all of the data in the system exactly as it was the day before, but I can’t make any changes to it.

Now I’ll go to the system area, find yesterday’s version of the letter, and copy the contents. Now I can go to my live data and paste what was lost back into place.

Of course, if I needed to go back further than the day before, I could still contact Main Sequence support and arrange for a database restoration, but the snapshot is always there and always free for those times when you need to see what your data looked like when it was last backed up. Try it out on your account today.

For more Two Minute Tuesdays, subscribe to this YouTube channel and watch our social networks or your PCR login screen. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, send an email to

Main Sequence has released update 9.6.7 this week, including a number of fixes and improvements. Three new items of particular note:

  1. Our new integration with RingCentral now includes capabilities for texting multiple recipients in bulk. The new SMS option can be found under the ‘Action’ menu in the upper right corner of name search results and name rollup lists. Recipients must be opted in to bulk text messages before they can receive messages sent from these screens. For details, see
  2. A new Radius Sort column is available when customizing your name rollups. With this new feature, any list of names can be sorted based on their estimated straight-line proximity to a selected postal code. To use this feature, customize your rollup layout to include ‘Sort Distance’ as a result column, and then use the ‘Radius Sort’ option in the ‘Actions’ menu at the upper right corner of the rollup screen to select and calculate distances.
  3. For users of our timesheets features, we have updated the list of Overtime/Double Time Zone options to include all Canadian provinces as well as most US locations. These items may be found in the Timesheet Setup screen.

Watch the video for the details.

Main Sequence wishes you success in 2016

2015 has been a year filled with excitement here at Main Sequence.

PCRecruiter 9 has been a huge hit in the marketplace and a huge success with many of our leading customers. The optional upgrade phase has moved much faster than expected, with a majority of end-users now using the newer version.

Not only have we seen enthusiastic adoption of PCRecruiter 9, but many of the new partnerships and integrations brought to life this year are already paying off nicely for our customers. Talk to your PCRecruiter representative for information about RingCentral, Indeed, HIRABL, SparkHire, Daxtra, and other partner solutions new and old, all designed to bring more value than ever to your PCRecruiter experience.

Best of all, Main Sequence has continued to expand capabilities across all areas of our business in 2015, positioning PCRecruiter for a fantastic 2016 and beyond.

(Video greetings from previous years are available in our Season’s Greetings from Main Sequence YouTube Playlist.)

In this season of thanks and goodwill, each of us at Main Sequence sends our warmest regards to our friends, customers, and supporters close to home and around the world. We wish you all a happy and prosperous new year!

PCRecruiter Webinar with HIRABL & RingCentral

On December 2, 2015, Main Sequence presented a webinar with our partners from HIRABL and RingCentral.

In this 45-minute double-header, Jon Guidi, Founder/CRO of HIRABL, talks about how their service can help track down ‘back door hires,’ which result in millions of dollars in lost placement fees every year. Then, RingCentral Solutions Engineer Derek Hanson talks about their powerful voice and texting system, which adds VOIP/SMS features into your PCRecruiter toolbox.

The HIRABL portion begins around the 2 minute mark, and RingCentral begins around 17 minutes, followed by a demo of how RingCentral works inside of PCR at the 36 minute mark.

Join Main Sequence’s Drew Rothman and HIRABL’s Jon Guidi for this informal webinar to learn about Fee Catcher and RingCentral, two of PCRecruiter’s most exciting recent partnerships.

1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST on Wednesday, December 2.

Register Now

Hirabl - Creators of Fee CatcherRecruiters lose an estimated $1,000,000,000 (one billion!) in fees every year when clients hire their candidates and don’t tell them (often called “backdoor hires”).

HIRABL created Fee Catcher, a service that tracks the movement of your candidates and notifies you when one is hired so that you never miss a hard-earned fee. They have already helped PCR clients identify and collect “backdoor hires” worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and have developed services to track candidate and hiring manager movements that deliver high-value sales leads to recruiters worldwide.

The automated back-door checks save us dozens of hours of staff time, and the constant upgrading of the interface and offerings provide more ROI for us all the time. In our first six months, one of their back door catches turned into a $30K placement fee for us! — Paul Silitsky, CEO, answerQUEST

RingCentralRingCentral’s all-inclusive cloud phone system features HD video meetings, unified voice, fax, text, and audio conferencing, and delivers the high quality, reliability, and value expected by enterprise businesses.

PCRecruiter’s new direct integration with RingCentral allows users to click to dial or text from any contact record in the database, making more dials faster. Call attempts are automatically recorded as activity records, making it easier than ever to report on your communications with contacts and candidates. And when you receive an incoming call, the matching records in PCR are automatically loaded to prepare you for the call.

PCRecruiter 9.6.6 has been released, including a fantastic list of new features and integrations.

  • Integration with RingCentral for voice and SMS (bulk-text coming soon). Launch calls and texts from your PCR records, get caller-id popups linked to the matching PCR contacts, and get full activity tracking of calls and texts.
  • The first release of our Mobile App for iOS and Android is out, giving you the most convenient on-the-go access to your recruiting database yet.
  • Sync your PCR calendar with Google Calendar and sync a rollup of names with Google Contacts. Now you can use any Google-compatible calendar app to view and manage your PCR schedule.
  • Outgoing email now has a counter to indicate how many attachments are on the mail.
  • Outgoing email includes a new option to merge all text attachments into a PDF.
  • Updates to the Mobile/Lite Web Extensions, allowing apply-without-resume and custom sort order for position lists.
  • PCRecruiter Portal for MS Outlook has been updated to support Outlook 2016.
  • Repeating Events can now be created in the PCR Schedule.
  • Support for Recruiters Connection job feeds. Recruiters Connection is a job board and split network exclusive to recruiting/search firms (no corporate recruiter postings allowed). A special discounted rate of $59 total for three months with three job slots per month, is being offered to PCRecruiter users through the end of November 2015. Get started at this link or call 860-635-3900.
  • PCR 9 is now compatible with Windows 10 and the new Microsoft Edge Browser

Watch the video for the details., the world’s #1 job site, and PCRecruiter have joined forces to help you get the best hiring results. Join us on Thursday, September 24th at 1pm ET to learn how this partnership will help you find the right candidates for your organization. You’ll learn:

  • Why Indeed is the preferred destination for job seekers and employers alike
  • How Indeed’s Sponsored Jobs will drive more exposure to your jobs
  • How a flexible, pay for performance model will help you reach the right candidates

Click here to register for the September 24 webinar with Indeed:

Register Now

Exclusive Offer for PCRecruiter Users:

Indeed is offering an exclusive deal to PCRecruiter clients. You’ll receive one month of free promoted postings after promoting jobs with Indeed for two consecutive months. To learn more about how you can take advantage of this limited-time offer, please click here.

Questions? Contact Becky Marks with Indeed at or your Main Sequence representative.

In the latest update to PCRecruiter, v9.6.5, we’ve made a host of under-the-hood fixes and improvements, and we’ve also made one more important change:

The “Reports” section under the Security panel of the User record (System > Users) now has more granular control. The admin may set full/no permission for each report type individually. In addition, these settings will override the ‘no permission’ System Administrator level, so that non-admin users can now run reports if the admin gives them rights to do so.

Watch the video for the details.

PCRecruiter is integrated with Intuit QuickBooks, making it possible to export information about your permanent placements and contractor hours timesheets from your recruiting database into your invoicing system. This brief overview video shows you how it works. If you’re a QuickBooks user (Windows desktop or online edition) and would like to get PCRecruiter connected, contact your Main Sequence representative.

Whenever a new operating system update comes out, it’s common for our users to ask if they can use PCRecruiter with it. Windows 10, which Microsoft began officially releasing on July 29, 2015 is no different. Our testing has determined that those who wish to update to Windows 10 should not experience any major issues with PCRecruiter or the PCR Portal for Microsoft Outlook.

One thing you should be aware of is that Windows 10 comes with a new default web browser called Microsoft Edge which is intended to replace Internet Explorer. While we haven’t found any major issues with using PCRecruiter on the Windows 10 operating system at this time, we do not officially support the new Microsoft Edge browser yet and you may experience issues in it until we have completed testing and updates.

  • If you use PCRecruiter 8 and are planning to move up to Windows 10, you will want to continue to run PCRecruiter in Internet Explorer 11, which should still be available by searching your machine or looking in your Start Menu. If IE 11 is not installed on your Windows 10 machine, you can download IE 11 from the Microsoft Store).
  • If you are using PCRecruiter 9, Google Chrome remains the recommended web browser on PC or Mac, but PCR 9 will also work on IE11 and Safari browsers.
  • After updating to Windows 10, you may need to re-install the PCRecruiter Launcher on your PC.

As always, updating to any freshly-released operating system remains something of a ‘buyer beware’ decision. If you don’t have a pressing need to get Windows 10 installed, you may want to wait for our QA department’s official go-ahead, which will appear here and on your PCRecruiter login screen.

PCRecruiter v9.6.4 is scheduled for release on Tuesday, June 23. Along with the usual fixes and improvements, Main Sequence is also pleased to announce new integrations with Spark Hire for video interviewing, IBM Kenexa Prove It! for candidate assessment testing, and Broadlook Capture! for collecting and researching contact information from all kinds of sources.

In addition to these new features, beginning on Tuesday, June 23, PCRecruiter 9 users should be prompted by the system to update their PCR Launcher, a small Java plugin installed on your computer that PCR 9 uses for more advanced interactions with your computer. Please be sure to click “Allow” when you see the prompt for the Launcher update.

Recruiters lose an estimated $1,000,000,000 (one billion!) in fees every year when clients hire their candidates and don’t tell them.

Fee Catcher is a reporting service that continuously and automatically monitors your submittals, and tracks the movement of your candidates, notifying you when one is hired so that you never miss a hard-earned fee. They have already helped clients around the world identify thousands of missed placements worth over $18,000,000 in fees.

Main Sequence will be hosting an informational public webinar on June 9 at 1:30 PM Eastern / 10:30 AM Pacific with Jon Guidi, Founder & CRO of Fee Catcher.

Click here to register for the June 9 webinar now!

We’ve just released a new update for PCRecruiter 9 which includes a few enhancements.

  • ‘Quick add’ icons at the upper right corner of the screen when working with name records to give you faster access to adding attachments, interviews, resumes, notes, and activities to the name you’re currently viewing. The number or checkmark with each “plus” icon indicates whether there are already attachments, notes, etc. for that record.
  • Customization options for the “I want to…” action column in name search results and rollups.
  • User-configurable colors and icons for the Stage settings in Rollups and Pipelines.
  • Automations and activities for Stages configured in the Name Rollup now also apply when Stage is used on the Pipeline screen.
  • Horizontal scrollbar appears at all times when a Rollup is too wide for the browser window.
  • ‘Recently Viewed’ Rollup list now shows only the applicable lists for the record type you’re working with.
  • Various fixes and performance improvements.

More updates and new features are being worked on. Follow us on our social networks or watch your PCR 9 login screen to stay informed.

So you have a great candidate, but you don’t have the perfect opening right now. That’s where the PCRecruiter partnership with Scout comes in, giving you new openings to fill, based on the ones you’re already great at filling!

Gain the Scout advantage

  • Using performance-based matching technology, Scout recommends new openings that you can fill based on your profile and past hiring experience.
  • Seamlessly integrated into PCRecruiter, Scout is completely free to access.
  • As a result, Scout makes it possible for you to become more profitable by reaching new clients, with greatly accelerated business development efforts.

See Scout in action on May 19, 2015 
1:30 PM Central / 2:30 Eastern
Register for this webinar NOW!

PCR 9 All-New UIMain Sequence’s popular PCRecruiter version 9 is now available for our self-hosted clients to install*. This optional update includes the exciting new interface and feature improvements which our ASP-hosted users have been enjoying for the past six months.

Self-hosted PCRecruiter users are invited to review this document, which explains our Update/Fees Policy for versions 9 and beyond.

To get the update for your server, please contact your Main Sequence representative. If you are unsure of who your representative is, get in touch with our Manager of Professional Services, Liz Gooden.

For clients on the ASP hosting who wish to use PCR 9, please see our earlier blog post.

* Required:Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 or higher, SSL Certificate.

Main Sequence will be conducting major maintenance in our primary datacenter starting Saturday, April 25 at 10AM EDT (25 April, 2015 2PM UTC/GMT). The work is expected to continue for four to six hours. This major maintenance will include new power systems and internetworking arrangements, requiring power-down of multiple devices and services.

  • During the maintenance work, your internal accounts will be redirected to a Main Sequence secondary datacenter, and will be available for access.
  • Please note that your account will be limited to read-only status during the interval when the primary datacenter is offline.
  • Your IMAP email service will continue to function, but you will be unable to download new messages during the maintenance window.
  • Job applicants may continue to view job postings, but they will receive a maintenance message when attempting to apply during the work period.

Main Sequence plans all maintenance activity to involve the least practical amount of downtime and we regret any inconvenience this work may entail for your organization.

If you have any questions about the work, planning for this maintenance, or any account issues post-restoration, please contact 440-946-5214 ext 3000.. As always, we appreciate your use of PCRecruiter.

The release of PCRecruiter 9 has been a great success. Over the past few months, hundreds of PCRecruiter users have come online with the new version and the feedback has been tremendously positive. We are pleased to announce the first major update to PCRecruiter 9 has been released to our hosted customers. Included in this update:

  • The Resume Inhaler's 'Connection Settings' panel now accepts PCRecruiter 9 login URLs. No update is required for users of the current Resume Inhaler (v3.3.15)
  • The PCR Capture extension for Google Chrome has been improved to recognize additional data sources.
  • The first version of our new 'Lite Extensions' have been released. The 'Lite' extensions are a responsive-design ready, mobile-friendly job board for PCRecruiter web postings which can be used in place of or in addition to your classic PCRecruiter web extensions. Enabling of this feature may require adjustment of your existing job board implementation, or may not apply to your particular needs with this initial release. See the associated article in our Learning Center for instructions.

Main Sequence wishes you success in 2015

2014 has been a year filled with excitement here at Main Sequence. In addition to the release of PCRecruiter 9, featuring some of the biggest and most exciting changes to our product in its history, we also enjoyed the blossoming of new partnerships, the welcoming of new team members, and even a few new dogs and babies around the office.

In this year’s holiday greeting video (below), we invite you to join us for a look back at how far PCRecruiter has come in the past 18 years of development, from our earliest desktop application, to the web version, to our Portal for MS Outlook, to the all-new PCR 9

(Video greetings from previous years are available in our Season’s Greetings from Main Sequence YouTube Playlist.)

In this season of thanks and goodwill, the entire Main Sequence team sends our warmest regards to our friends, customers, and associates close to home and around the world in 70+ countries. We wish you all a happy and prosperous 2015.

So you have a great candidate, but you don’t have the perfect opening right now. That’s where the PCRecruiter partnership with Scout comes in, giving you new openings to fill, based on the ones you’re already great at filling!

Gain the Scout advantage

  • Using performance-based matching technology, Scout recommends new openings that you can fill based on your profile and past hiring experience.
  • Seamlessly integrated into PCRecruiter 8 and 9, Scout is completely free to access.
  • As a result, Scout makes it possible for you to become more profitable by reaching new clients, with greatly accelerated business development efforts.

See Scout in action on November 12, 2014 
2:00 PM EDT (7:00 PM GMT)
Register for this webinar NOW!

The Main Sequence Technology team proudly to announced the release of PCRecruiter 9 in October 2014. This release was the culmination of a multi-year process to thoroughly modernize and improve PCRecruiter’s user interface, architecture, and functionality, and is the result of countless hours of work by our entire team, with the invaluable partnership and contributions of fifty PCRecruiter 9 beta customers. We thank everyone who helped to create what is the most sweeping and exciting update in our history.


  • Virtually the entire interface is updated to reduce clicking and scrolling, with streamlined common workflows and more intuitive navigation. The release also includes useful new capabilities including the new PCR Capture tool for Facebook, Indeed, and other key social platforms, new single-box quick lookup to retrieve records of any type, and more to come (including mobile-friendly candidate experience, multiple hiring pipelines, and other powerful enhancements). PCRecruiter 9 uses the latest automated development lifecycle tools and coding environments to help us add new features more quickly and efficiently than ever before.


PCR 9 All-New UI

  • PCRecruiter 8 users on can switch immediately! Just contact our support department.
  • Customers hosting PCRecruiter on their own hardware are able to install PCR 9. Some fees and feature limitations apply for self-installed clients.


  • As always, Main Sequence strives to maintain maximum comfort and flexibility for our customers, and therefore PCRecruiter version 8 will continue to be available and operational for the foreseeable future.
  • While it is possible to use both PCRecruiter 8 and 9 on the same database, we do not recommend using both versions with the same user login, as custom screen layouts and other user-level preferences updated with PCR 9 are not compatible with older versions.
  • Our new features and engineering efforts are always focused on the current release, so we encourage all of our customers to consider moving to version 9 in the coming year.


  • PCRecruiter 9 is available to all of our customers at no additional charge!
  • Self-installed PCR 8 customers may be assessed an update fee. Ask your PCRecruiter representative.


  • PCRecruiter 9 is designed to perform optimally in the Google Chrome browser and will work on any current Mac or Windows machine.
  • PCRecruiter 9 is also tested for current versions of Safari and Internet Explorer, although limited enhancements may only be available to Chrome users.
  • Functions such as direct resume editing, calendar alarm pop-ups, and file attachment management may not work on older operating systems (e.g. Windows Vista or earlier).

PCR 9 Login


  • The PCRecruiter Portal for Microsoft Outlook and the Resume Inhaler are compatible with PCRecruiter 9. Portal users will need to update/reinstall the plugin.


We look forward to your feedback and to your enjoyment of the best PCRecruiter ever!

Main Sequence Team

So you have a great candidate, but you don’t have the perfect opening right now. That’s where the PCRecruiter partnership with Scout comes in, giving you new openings to fill, based on the ones you’re already great at filling!

Gain the Scout advantage

  • Using performance-based matching technology, Scout recommends new openings that you can fill based on your profile and past hiring experience.
  • Seamlessly integrated into PCRecruiter v8.6, and the upcoming all-new PCR 9, Scout is completely free to access.
  • As a result, Scout makes it possible for you to become more profitable by reaching new clients, with greatly accelerated business development efforts.

See Scout in action on October 15, 2014 
1:00 PM CDT (6:00 PM GMT)
Register for this webinar NOW!

Dial In: U.S. & Canada: 866.740.1260 Access Code: 6810495

Main Sequence takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Members of our management, sales, training and tech departments took the ALS #IceBucketChallenge today! Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease,” is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to their death. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may become totally paralyzed. The Ice Bucket Challenge is an awareness and fundraising campaign to support ALS research.

In addition to the folks in the video, many of the employees and the company itself have donated to the ALS Association.

In accordance with Ice Bucket Challenge rules, we challenge our friends at Management Recruiters International Corporate, Scout Exchange, and Bullhorn!

For more info on ALS or to donate, please visit

On July 14th, the EEOC issued the first update to its pregnancy discrimination guidelines in 30 years. In the the Enforcement Guidance released on the EEOC Website, the comission addressed how the requirements of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended in 2008 should be applied individuals who have pregnancy-related disabilities. The commission posted a Q&A document and Fact Sheet.

Among other issues, the guidance discussed:

  • The fact that the PDA covers not only current pregnancy, but discrimination based on past pregnancy and a woman's potential to become pregnant;
  • Lactation as a covered pregnancy-related medical condition;
  • The circumstances under which employers may have to provide light duty for pregnant workers;
  • Issues related to leave for pregnancy and for medical conditions related to pregnancy;
  • The PDA's prohibition against requiring pregnant workers who are able to do their jobs to take leave;
  • The requirement that parental leave (which is distinct from medical leave associated with childbearing or recovering from childbirth) be provided to similarly situated men and women on the same terms;
  • When employers may have to provide reasonable accommodations for workers with pregnancy-related impairments under the ADA and the types of accommodations that may be necessary; and
  • Best practices for employers to avoid unlawful discrimination against pregnant workers.

For more information, visit

EEO data collection and reporting functions are standard with PCRecruiter. Anyone wishing to collect and track EEO data in their recruitment process can seek information or a demonstration by contacting their PCRecruiter representative.

The Canadian Anti Spam Law (CASL), which was designed to stop spam from being sent to Canadians, goes into effect July 1, 2014. Many people remain unfamiliar with the law, even within Canada, despite its serious potential impact for any business that sends commercial email to Canadian recipients. So what is this law and how does it affect recruiters, staffing agencies, and HR sourcing pros?

WHAT does CASL apply to?

In short, any email, text, or direct social networking message that actively or passively promotes your services or your current job openings could be placed into the category of communications affected by this law.

  • CASL applies to any "Commercial Electronic Message" (CEM). A CEM is defined as any electronic message (emails, texts, some social media messages) that contains a message which encourages the recipient to take part in some type of commercial activity. This includes e-newsletters that contain a link to a sponsor's website, client satisfaction surveys, mass emails providing general information about your business or organization, etc. It also covers emails requesting consent to send future emails.
  • There are exemptions from the rule for certain types of messages. For example, you are allowed to send a single CEM to someone without prior consent based on a referral, as long as the full name of the person making the referral is disclosed in the message.

WHO does CASL apply to?

The law is very broad, applying to all CEMs sent to anyone in Canada or by anyone in Canada.

  • CASL stipulates that Commercial Electronic Messages cannot be sent TO or FROM anyone in Canada without express prior consent. Even if your company is outside of Canada, any emails sent to Canadian jobseekers, partners, or clients fall under the stipulations of the law. Although it may prove difficult to prosecute violators outside of Canada, the the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has stated that it will work with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the US, and other regulatory commissions to enforce this law.
  • There are exemptions from the "express consent" rule for limited periods of time and under certain "implied consent" circumstances. Implied consent includes recipients who have made a purchase or your product or service, made a business deal, contract, or membership with your organization in the past 24 months. Implied consent also includes a 6-month period following an application or inquiry. If you haven't gotten express consent to continue sending CEMs within the implied consent period, you are required to stop sending CEMs at the end of the 6-month or 24-month time frame.

WHAT are the penalties for violating CASL?

Unlike other anti-spam rules (such as the USA's 'CAN-SPAM' law) Canada's anti-spam law has been given very large, sharp teeth.

  • The maximum administrative penalty for a violation by a business is $10 million, and directors and officers may be personally liable for their company's violations.
  • Individuals can be fined up to $1 Million.
  • Up until June 30, 2017, the penalties will be administrative only. After July 1, 2017, the law allows individual suits against violators. Receivers of illegal messages can sue for $200 per individual transgression up to $1 Million per day. Additional penalties may be levied for altering transmission data and other violations.

HOW can I comply with CASL?

Some of the stipulations for complying with CASL are the same as those for complying with the US CAN-SPAM law. Make sure that your emails include the following:

  • Your name (or the name by which you conduct business if different) in your messages.
  • Your physical mailing address plus either a telephone number, web address, or email address in your messages.
  • A link to a method of unsubscribing from future messages which takes effect within 10 days.

In addition to the above, but differing from CAN-SPAM:

  • Recipients must give express consent to receive your messages. This consent can be oral or written, although written consent is clearly better should questions arise.
  • You must retain a record of your consent confirmations.
  • Methods for collecting consent via a form must be clear and affirmative. The person opting in must check a box or perform some other action which is clearly marked with a description of its purpose. Asking the person to un-check a pre-checked box is not allowed.

HOW can PCRecruiter help me comply?

Although PCRecruiter has offered "unsubscribe" tracking for many years, the new CASL law has generated changes in how email is handled.  The next system update will include an 'opt-in / opt-out' function which can be used in form letters, custom forms, email signatures, and job board links. The system will also include methods for tracking the 6-month and 24-month 'implicit' permission allowed under the law.   The system will apply these settings automatically when sending email communications.  PCRecruiter also gains new options for adding and removing multiple email addresses from the opt-in/out lists, as well as capabilities for exporting and importing email addresses in CSV format.

If you send email to anyone in Canada, or you operate business in Canada, you will want to become familiar with this new law and make sure that your electronic communications comply with it.  This information is not intended as an offering of legal advice; please consult with your applicable legal authority regarding the CASL or any other compliance activities that you may undertake.  

If you desire assistance with implementing features in PCRecruiter, please contact your Main Sequence representative.

Over the past few years, an explosion of user-friendly platforms and tools have made it remarkably easy for novices to create attractive and functional websites. Following the trend, Main Sequence has seen an increasing number of executive search firms, staffing agencies, and sourcing professionals revising or launching new DIY websites, or moving to a CMS for recruiting website management.

While a self-built recruiting site can be a great cost saving measure, in a marketplace where your website is likely your primary advertising channel and initial point of contact with your clients and candidates, just having easy tools at your disposal isn’t always enough. You’ll want to make a good impression right from the start, and build a website that’s prepared to grow with your business. 

Main Sequence has put together a free eBook to set you on the right path. 5 Tips for Building Your OWN Website will give you helpful tips, pointers, and important food for thought as you plan to create or update your website.

On April 26, 2014 Microsoft released Security Advisory 2963983 for Microsoft Internet Explorer. This issue is a zero-day vulnerability, which means the exploit depends on a flaw already present in affected systems. There is steady activity underway at Microsoft and the various security product vendors such as McAfee and Symantec to mitigate this risk.

Because this issue is non-specific to PCRecruiter and involves the administration of our customer's computer systems, Main Sequence has no recommendation on the use / non-use or configuration of Internet Explorer. PCRecruiter offers Java downloads for use with Chrome, Safari, and Firefox browsers, but we have not tested all versions of those browsers in all possible environments.

Reports indicate that operating Internet Explorer with "Enhanced Protected Mode" configured or using the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) version 4.1 or the new 5.0 Tech Preview edition will avoid the vulnerability. PCRecruiter has been tested to a limited extent with "Enhanced Protected Mode" and appears to operate normally. You will need to ensure that EMET is configured to protect IE if you select that option.

If you experience unexpected system behavior when using PCRecruiter with any browser, our technical support staff can process error reports and work with you to resolve issues.

Please see this item regarding the vulnerability for more information:

On April 7th, 2014, a serious security vulnerability was publicly announced in the popular OpenSSL software library, which is used by many web systems for encrypting and decrypting data. The bug opens up the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. If exploited, attackers could eavesdrop on communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users.

Are PCRecruiter databases affected by this issue?

PCRecruiter software runs on web servers which do not use the OpenSSL library by default and therefore are not vulnerable to the exploit.

If you are a PCRecruiter user concerened that your password may have been compromised by use with another website, you may wish to use the 'Change My Password' option on the MyPCR screen to update your password.  It's a 'best practice' to change passwords regularly.

Your PCRecruiter system administrator may also select a strong password mode. In this mode:

  • Users must have secure passwords that include a mix of upper and lower case alpha characters, numbers, and special characters
  • Users will be prompted to change passwords regularly.
  • Users will be restricted from the use of common elements such as days of the week, months of the year, and their user name in the password.

For more information on security practices in PCRecruiter, contact your representative.

For more information on the Heartbleed bug, see

Main Sequence is currently beta-testing PCRecruiter 9, the most extensive update we've released since PCRecruiter made the leap from the desktop to the cloud over a dozen years ago.

PCR 9 All-New UIMain Sequence is currently beta-testing PCRecruiter 9, the most extensive update we’ve released since PCRecruiter made the leap from the desktop to the cloud over a dozen years ago.

The new PCRecruiter is currently in the hands of an initial group of customers for evaluation that is expected to span several weeks. We are planning for two rounds of beta testing, followed by a phased rollout to our online and self-hosted customers. All users will maintain the option for 12 to 18 months to use either the new version 9 or the final maintenance updates of the PCRecruiter 8.xx generation.

If you would like to be considered for the second round of beta testing, email Professional Services Manager Liz Annable at

Once PCRecruiter 9 is released for general use, what can you look forward to?

Completely Revised User Interface

  • PCRecruiter 9 presents a completely overhauled user interface that’s is cleaner and easier to use than ever before.
  • We’ve re-built it using HTML 5 and standard web frameworks to streamline, simplify, and modernize your user experience.
  • Our menus have been re-structured to separate ‘navigation items’ from ‘action items.’ Finding your way around in PCR 9 is a snap, both for new users and seasoned pros.
  • The updated MyPCR home screen has a fresh new look with visualizations for your key metrics.
  • A new log-in screen makes it easier than ever to keep up on the latest info on PCRecruiter.
  • If you’ve got photos stored in your name records, you’ll now see them in your ‘recently viewed’ record list.
  • Overlays and progress bars keep your experience confined to a single browser window, with fewer pop-ups and new windows to manage.
  • Maximize and minimize panels with a single click to see more of your data than ever before.

Even More Configurable

  • PCR 9 Screen Config ToolPCRecruiter has always been the most user-configurable staffing and recruiting system available, and PCR 9 makes configuration faster and more flexible with a new drag-and-drop system.
  • Configure your name, organization and job layouts with field groups and custom labels.
  • Drag-and-drop configuration utilities also extend to your search options and search results.
  • PCRecruiter 9 is all about putting what you need front and center and reducing distractions.

Streamlined Document Handling

  • The PCRecruiter 9 launcher opens your Word, Excel, and other documents directly in Microsoft Office, Open Office, and other WebDAV-enabled suites. Just click, edit your file in its native software application, and re-save back to the database instantly.
  • Resumes can now be viewed and exported in PDF format for easy download or emailing.
  • Custom resume headers have been consolidated, using a single image-based header for all of your resume documents, regardless of format.

New HTML Editor

  • New PCR 9 HTML EditorOur all-new HTML editor for job descriptions, emails, and form letters operates completely within the browser, requiring no local installation, for a seamless editing experience regardless of platform.
  • The new editor is more adept at recognizing and appropriately converting proprietary content generated by Microsoft Office, such as Word and Outlook documents.

Simple, Searchable Menus

  • Primary and record-level menus are easily adjusted with drag/drop and pin/un-pin utilities, hiding the items you don’t use regularly for easier, faster navigation.
  • The deeper menus, such as the Reports and System areas, are now quickly navigable with keyword search boxes. Just start typing the name of the item you’re looking for and your options appear instantly.

Enhanced Emailing Capabilities

  • Outbound email screens now instantly notify you when an email address is already in your database.
  • Click on the email addresses in your ‘To’, ‘Cc’ and ‘Bcc’ fields to view and edit the contact record quickly.

Enterprise Platform Improvements

  • PCR 9 Login ScreenPCRecruiter 9 is more than just a pretty face. The new version is powered by Microsoft’s most current web development framework and modern JavaScript libraries, setting the stage for easier development and more rapid deployment of PCRecruiter’s new-feature roadmap which, like the new user interface, is completely updated for 2014-2015 with items designed to enhance recruiter performance in any setting.

New Training Materials

  • We know how important it is to grasp new tools quickly. That’s why PCRecruiter 9 includes not only in-screen help options, but also an entirely new learning center with a growing list of how-to documents and videos.

And this is only the beginning. Main Sequence sees PCRecruiter 9 as the launching point for a new era in interface power, integrations and innovation, all designed to make your job easier. Watch for more information soon!

ScoutMain Sequence is pleased to announce a new partnership and integration between PCRecruiter and Scout Exchange, a recruitment marketplace that connects employers with specialized recruiters, delivering search opportunities to match individual recruitment expertise and results.

PCRecruiter users have free*, direct access to Scout’s application and service which scans the placement history in your database (scrubbed of identifiable personal information) and applies proprietary analytics to recommend job orders suited to your expertise. You'll see improvements in productivity and time-to-fill, gaining access to hundreds of new clients and more job-orders.

We're excited to lower the market development barriers for PCRecruiter users by immediately making them approved vendors for Scout's network of employers.

Naturally, Scout automates and manages the billing, logistics, and financial transactions to allow recruiters to focus on placing talent with low overhead and credit risk.

To get started with Scout, PCRecruiter users may send an email to with their name, company name, and contact information. A Main Sequence representative will respond to initiate the setup.

* Scout is completely free to end-users. Main Sequence will participate in a revenue share with Scout based on placements made.

Representatives from Main Sequence will be joining our partners from Scout at their booth for next week's Staffing Industry Analysts Executive Forum in San Diego. We're very excited about the new integration with the Scout recruitment marketplace and will be there to help show how PCRecruiter and Scout work together to bring recruiters broader and bigger placement opportunities.

Happy Holidays from Main Sequence!

Tucker is a one-year-old Golden Retriever who spends most of his days hanging out at the main office of Main Sequence Technology, Inc. Tucker wanders the grounds and keeps us all company as we develop, sell and support PCRecruiter. This year’s holiday greeting is a glimpse into what Tucker sees as he visits with everyone and attends the MST holiday party. Happy new year, everyone!

Software Advice Inc, 5000 analysisOur friends at Software Advice have analyzed the new Inc., Magazine "Inc. 5000." list and have compared it with the 2008 listing. Their conclusion is that the "HR ecosystem" has grown and changed, consolidating, gaining employees and generating more revenue than five years ago. We'd like to think PCRecruiter has something to do with that, naturally.

For complete details, check out their study at

Source emails may be inadvertently being deleted by your email provider without your knowledge.

A recently discovered interaction combines Outlook 2010 with Gmail IMAP (and possibly other IMAP providers) such that Outlook is moving emails to the deleted items folder rather than the designated subfolder configured in the Inhaler. This result will in turn will synchronize to Gmail, which will then purge the item after 30 days. This mal-response to a move command from PCRecruiter does not occur in Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2013 nor all Outlook 2010 environments using IMAP.

To see if you are subject to this please a) observe that the Inhaler is moving items to the proper subfolders and/or b) check your deleted items folder in Outlook and your deleted items folder in Gmail to ensure that wanted resume emails have not been moved to those locations.

While we have no expectation that Microsoft will make any changes to Outlook 2010, there is a workaround if you find that you are subject to this issue.

To apply this workaround, open Outlook 2010 and follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the FILE tab in the upper left hand corner.
  2. Click on the Account Settings button.
  3. Find the IMAP folders entry and double click it. The following screen should appear:
  4. From here, click the More Settings button in the lower right corner. The following screen will then appear:
  5. Click on the Deleted Items tab, then click Mark items for deletion but do not move them automatically.
  6. Click OK/Next until all the account settings have been closed.

PCRecruiter 8.6.2 Patches

Main Sequence will be updating the ASP hosting service with PCRecruiter v. 8.6.2 at approximately 8 AM EST on Thursday, November 7, 2013. Along with this update, we highly recommend installing updated control plugins:

Internet Explorer Users – A new version of our ActiveX/.NET control pack will be released with this update. Download it from and install it on any Windows 7 or Windows 8 machine using PCRecruiter (XP users should not update). You may need administrator permissions on the computer to complete this installation.

Java Controls – All users of the Java plugins (including all users of Firefox or Safari) will be asked to update to Java 7 v 45 (see‎). Users working with an older version of Java may see a popup security request when accessing screens that require a Java plugin (viewing resumes, job descriptions, etc.). NOTE: Users of Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) will be unable to update to Java 7 and therefore unable to avoid the popup warnings. We recommend updating these Macs to OSX 10.7 or later.

PCRecruiter's Bill Kubicek will be traveling to Seattle for this year's ERE SourceCon, taking place on October 2 and 3 at Microsoft Headquarters in Redmond. SourceCon has been the premier conference for sourcers and recruiters since 2006, whether you work for a large corporation, for a staffing firm, an RPO, or as an independent, and Main Sequence has been a sponsor of the event for many of those years. We always look forward to seeing our users and meeting new faces, so keep an eye out for Bill at the event!

The results of the Software Advice 2013 Recruiting Channels Survey, sponsored in part by PCRecruiter, are in! Here's what they've found:

  • Current Use of Recruiting Channels: 97 percent of participating recruiters said they have used employee referrals to source new hires in 2013. Traditional job boards and company careers pages came in at number two and three respectively. Social media was a close fourth, with 80 percent of recruiters saying they have used these channels to source hires.
  • Channels Delivering the Highest Volume of Candidates: The channel delivering the most candidates into recruiters’ inboxes was still traditional job boards, while employee referrals came in second. Social media came in at a strong third.
  • Channels Delivering the Highest Quality of Candidates: While traditional job boards delivered the highest volume of candidates for recruiters, employee referrals still deliver (by far) the best candidates for open positions. However, more respondents said social media delivered higher quality candidates than traditional job boards.
  • Projected Use and Budget for Each Channel in 2013: Although traditional job boards, employee referrals and company careers pages were the top three most used channels, recruiters plan to invest more in social media in 2013.
  • Conclusion: The data would seem to support the hypothesis that social media recruiting is only going to increase in the coming years, but only time will tell.

For the complete results, check out Software Advice's slideshare here:

Main Sequence has released PCRecruiter version 8.6 to our ASP-hosted users. While the majority of the changes in this update are ‘under the hood’ improvements, the new update does include two major improvements.

One is our new integration with Insight Squared, a staffing analytics provider that offers PCRecruiter users a deeper look into the pipeline, employee-level trend data such as time-to-fill, forecasting of sales and completed job orders, benchmarks of employee productivity, quality monitoring of field data, and more.  Fred Shilmover, CEO of InsightSquared, says “InsightSquared is very excited to offer PCRecruiter customers a comprehensive way of looking at their staffing data. With the new reporting tools at their reach, these companies will be able to better leverage their own data to make decision that will positively impact their bottom line.” To sign up or for more info, contact Insight Squared.

In addition, our 8.6 release includes enhancements to the PCRecruiter public API. This second round of API functions includes the new REST method, in addition to the existing SOAP method. The REST method will allow for even easier integration with our API for third-party developers.

Main Sequence is pleased to announce the new website. This is the beginning of many exciting changes in 2013!

A rundown of the new enhancements in PCRecruiter ( for the 8.4 update, April 2012. PCRecruiter is a web-based recruitment, staffing and HR sourcing database software developed and supported by Main Sequence Technology.

PCRecruiter 8.4 was released on April 4, 2012. This update to our recruitment CRM included the debut of:

  • Lockable ‘country’ fields.
  • Updated Postal Code fields.
  • International phone field options.
  • A ‘remove’ option for photos on contacts.
  • A ‘Notes’ view option in Rollup Lists.
  • Auto-populated “To” fields for resume routing emails.
  • LinkedIn Apply integration for the Candidate Extensions.
  • Custom RSS feeds.

For information on the current version of PCRecruiter, see our blog.

If you’re looking to brush up your ATS (Click here) and other HR skills, an upcoming workshop may be just the thing.

Ultimate Software recently announced that it will host a complimentary Interactive HR Workshop on June 17 at The Plaza Hotel in New York, N.Y. The workshop will offer step-by-step solutions that other companies have developed in order to solve their toughest organization problems.

“Have you ever wondered how other HR executives are dealing with the business challenges you face every day?” Ultimate Software notes. “What are their secrets for aligning HR concepts with the business strategy, developing a workplace environment that encourages employee collaboration, and maneuvering through a maze of thorny legal compliance issues?”

Continue reading “ATS Pros Can Attend Workshop”

For most companies, one of the main goals of implementing staffing software is to save money, so you should make sure the software itself isn’t going to cost you an outrageous amount.

The majority of companies can reduce their software costs by up to 20 percent without changing vendors, according to an article by Personnel Today. This can mainly be done by only paying for what you need and working with what you already have.

“We’re spending more than ever on technology, but we’re not paying attention to where that money goes,” Andy Kyte, a research fellow with Gartner Group, said.

Continue reading “Staffing Software Questions to Ask Your Vendor”

Many companies today use recruitment software, while many job seekers use social media, so doesn’t it make sense to supplement one with the other?

Every employer wants to find the perfect candidate on the first try, but because there are so many talented job seekers out there, it’s tough to rely on just one source and expect to reach that end result. Therefore, companies that are already using recruitment software to target potential candidates can do the same through social networking sites.

Here are six tips on using social media for recruiting, as compiled by Mashable:
1. Create an online presence that reflects who you are – Just as you would create a career center and application portal that’s easily recognizable by job seekers, you want to create a social media profile that will clearly show who you are make people want to contact you.
Continue reading “Recruitment Software Supplemented with Social Media”

Implementing a great HR software system is just one of the ways that companies – and small businesses in particular – can use technology to save time and money. Visit to learn more.

Business of all sizes are always looking for new and different ways to save money, but small businesses have a more vested interest in doing so, because they typically have less money to spend. Fortunately, according to an article by Mashable, there are some technology-related steps small businesses can take to save time and money.

“By its very nature, technology is intended to make complicated things simple and expensive things affordable,” the article notes. “Think about sending a bill to a customer; back in the day, it took paper, correction fluid, a stamp and a trip to the mailbox to accomplish this task. These days, it can be as quick and cheap as sending an e-mail.”

Continue reading “HR Software and Other Tech Tips to Save Money”

If your company is looking to implement an applicant tracking system (Click here), or if you have an ATS but are looking to make upgrades in order to keep up with changing technology, an upcoming Webinar might help you out.

“Talent Acquisition Systems in 2010: The Game Has Changed, have You?” – a one-of-a-kind free Webinar for HR executives and other technology decision makers – will take place from 2 to 3 p.m. May 19th via GoToWebinar.

The Webinar will discuss how, despite the recent economic downturn, the ATS market is experiencing growth and innovation. At the same time, however, many new ATS providers have cropped up, making it harder for companies to decide what software they should use.

Continue reading “Applicant Tracking System Changes Covered in Upcoming Webinar”

As the economy begins to recover and businesses think about hiring again, now is the time to implement an ATS if your company doesn’t already have one. Visit to learn more.

There is a lot of advice out there as to what type of ATS you should buy, and all the options can make it quite a daunting process. A recent article from Onrec provides some great advice from business professionals as to how you should go about selecting and implementing an ATS.

Most experts agree that you should first consider what size and scale of a system your business really needs, so that you don’t end up paying for features and solutions you’re not even going to use. In that same respect, the hiring needs of a small business will differ from those of a large company, so each may benefit from using different ATS.

Continue reading “ATS Tips”

Small businesses today are relying more and more on the Internet and online resources to do their work. Employers use the Web for everything from recruiting to marketing and promotions.

On the recruiting side, most companies are already using online HR software (Click here) solutions, and those that aren’t are planning to do so sooner rather than later. Overall, the power that Internet-based resources give a small business are making it easier for most to emerge from the economic downturn.

A new report from Easynet Connect found that 79 percent of small businesses think the Internet is making the road to recovery easier this time than during previous recessions.

Continue reading “HR Software Growing Among Small Businesses”

The changing face of the manufacturing industry is causing employers to adapt their hiring processes accordingly. Mainly, employers are focusing more on people than anything else, which is a step in the right direction. There are many tools, such as an applicant tracking system, that are making this move possible.

The nation’s manufacturing industry as a whole has been coping with a decline in resources as fewer graduates are learning the basic technical skills that are necessary to fill replacement positions. That, coupled with the increasing technology in production, is requiring manufacturers to invest more in their employees.

These changes, along with the rising cost of making a bad hire, are reiterating the value of finding the right candidate for the job. With that in mind, employers are working to provide a standardized process that screens a candidate’s skills and behaviors against company requirements.

Continue reading “ATS for the Manufacturing Industry”

Any recruitment software users or professionals could benefit from an upcoming workshop.

Ultimate Software will offer “Essential Strategies from Industry Leaders in an Era of Change,” a free interactive HR workshop, on April 27 at the Hartford Marriott Downtown in Hartford, Conn. The content of the workshop will be most beneficial to companies with at least 200 employees.

The workshop is ideal for leaders in HR, talent management, recruitment, compliance, training and retention who want to interact with peers in an intimate setting, identify short and long-term business drivers, share proven ideas, and learn from others.

Continue reading “Recruitment Software Pros Could Benefit from Workshop”

If your company is in the process of purchasing and implementing HR software, it’s important to know how to navigate your pricing options.

There are many key pricing methodologies when it comes to recruiting software, but the three most common are per recruiter/manager pricing, per employee pricing and per hire pricing. According to BrightMove, each methodology has its own implications.

Although many vendors no longer offer a per recruiter/per manager pricing option, it’s usually the ideal option for companies that don’t intend to implement an employee portal. The price of this methodology is lower than other pricing models, as you only need to license recruiters.

Continue reading “HR Software Pricing Options”

If you’re in charge of selecting your company’s ATS, a new Webinar will help keep you up on the industry.

“Workforce Planning and Talent Management: What Your CEO Wishes HR Would Do,” is a one-of-a-kind free Webinar for HR executives and other technology-decision makers presented by ERE and Taleo. The Webinar is scheduled to take place from 2 to 3 p.m. on April 14.

The Webinar will benefit any HR executive or technology decision-maker who is in charge of ensuring their organization selects the right ATS. It also will be useful to: staffing directors and vice presidents, recruitment managers, corporate recruiters, CEOs and top HR executives in talent-driven industries, and other HR professionals who are responsible for evaluating and selecting an ATS.

Continue reading “ATS Webinar to Help Company Decision Makers”

In order to better compete in a changing marketplace, some companies are making their staffing software offerings too complicated, making it more important for companies to know how to choose and implement the right software.

When it comes to the emerging talent management technology expansion, employee performance management has become a clear focal point. As the popularity and usefulness of automation has grown, so has the number of vendors offering various staffing software solutions.

Unfortunately, this has caused some companies to try to “out-feature” their competition, causing vendors to sacrifice ease-of-use and system stability in favor of additional features, modules and integrations. This only increases complexity, implementation time and cost, resulting in more dissatisfaction and system replacement.

Continue reading “Staffing Software Becoming Too Complex?”

A recent survey detailing the trends the recruiting industry will see this year may help ATS (Click here) providers and users.

“Optimism Abounds: Staffing and Recruiting Industry Expectations,” a new report from Bullhorn, revealed the results of the company’s 2010 trends survey of what recruiters expect for the staffing and recruiting industry.

The report also outlines key statistics and ideas to increase job orders and turn a greater profit margin this year. Among those ideas are a grater concentration in sales and social media networks, especially with LinkedIn.

Continue reading “ATS Companies, Users Should Benefit from Recruiting Upswing”

There is a lot of advice out there about what you should consider when implementing HR software, but what about the things you should avoid? Visit to learn more.

Here are five common mistakes to avoid when choosing your company’s HR software, as compiled by

  • 1. Not determining your needs upfront – Make a list of what you need the software to do for you, and refer to the list as you go through the selection process. It can be easy to lose sight of your goals if you don’t set them in the beginning.
  • Continue reading “HR Software Mistakes to Avoid”

Another report supporting the addition of Web 2.0 into your staffing software (Click here) strategy has come out.

“Health Care Recruiting and Social Media Report – Prognosis: Optimistic,” a new report from Hodes iQ, found that most healthcare recruiters believe Web 2.0 is a good fit for their industry, but that few recruiters have fully adopted leading-edge social media and interactive tools for recruiting and talent management.

The report found that social media has an impact on all industries – not just healthcare – and that many recruiters and companies are still not sure how to begin using it to their advantage. Healthcare recruiters should take this as a sign to begin adding social recruiting enhancements to their overall hiring strategy.

Continue reading “Staffing Software with Web 2.0 Integration Benefits Healthcare Recruiting”

If your company uses an ATS during the hiring process, as most businesses these days do, what should you consider when renewing that system? Visit to learn more.

Authoria recently released a report detailing the seven key considerations companies should keep in mind when renewing their applicant tracking system. As technology has dramatically changed the recruiting game, with everything from Web-enabled application and talent pool systems to business intelligence tools, it’s important for companies to stay at the forefront of the game.

“A wide array of applicant tracking systems (ATS), at different stages of maturity, now compete for the opportunity to help your organization meet its staffing and recruiting needs,” the report notes. “But with over 100 vendors to choose from, where do you start? If you are responsible for renewing your company’s applicant tracking system, there are many factors to take into account.”

Continue reading “ATS Renewal: Seven Important Considerations”

If you know how to use HR software (Click here), and are looking for a career in which to use those skills, your future looks bright.

A recent report from HRGuru found that there is currently not enough talent to meet demand to fill positions dealing with Human Resource Information Systems. HRIS products that help companies manage their personnel have become increasingly important as technology is now a key part of any HR department.

“As HRIS systems have become more sophisticated, the demand for experienced professionals in this area has risen,” the report notes. “HRIS professionals are often involved in product selection, systems customization, implementation and ongoing administration. If you are extremely detail-oriented and enjoy working with computers, this might be the job for you.”

Continue reading “HR Software Knowledge Can Lead to a Promising Career”

Recruiting and staffing software are among government entities’ top needs. Visit to learn more.

A recent report from detailing state and local government contracts found that software is among the top needs of those entities. This provides a great opportunity for staffing software, recruiting software and other software companies. is an online subscription service providing government bids and contract intelligence to businesses. The organization’s most recent report lists each state’s most commonly requested items or services and the number of bids and RFPs issued by state agencies, cities, counties and school districts.

Continue reading “Staffing Software Needed by Government Entities”

Recruiters are increasingly using social networking sites as part of their ATS.

There have been a number of studies on how social networking affects job seekers during the hiring process. Microsoft recently threw its hat into the ring by releasing a study conducted by Cross-Tab that delves into the subject of online reputation.

For the report, about 275 recruiters, HR professionals and hiring managers, as well as 330 consumers, were interviewed in the United States, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The end result explores the attitude these people have about online reputation, how it impacts hiring and how people manage it.

Continue reading “ATS and Your Online Reputation”

The appeal of third-party providers will cause many banking companies to reduce IT staff during the near future, but that will result in an employment increase for financial tech vendors, including those that provide recruitment software.

A recent report from Celent, a consultancy firm, predicts that European banks will spend $18.5 billion on IT staff this year, a decrease from $18.9 billion during 2009. That number is expected to decline by another 3 percent during 2011 and and an additional 6 percent during 2012.

“It’s more expensive and less efficient to undertake development in-house rather than work with a third-party,” Axel Pierron, senior vice president of Celent, said. “It’s clear that IT budgets are still in a very uncertain phase.

Continue reading “Recruitment Software in the Banking Industry”

More companies are now using human resources and staffing software in the form of Software as a Service.

The most recent InformationWeek Analytics survey found that 47 percent of companies are using SaaS, and of those, three-fourths consider the service to be extremely or critically important to their organizations. SaaS requires the software to be maintained by the provider, which frees up resources for companies to focus on other projects.

Companies no longer solely use SaaS for sales force automation and customer relationship management, but also for purposes related to human resources, Web presence, e-mail, service desk, collaboration, financial and backup.

Continue reading “Staffing Software Use through SaaS Increasing”

If you own a business or work in an HR department, you may already know about the benefits of CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. However, if you’re looking for a way to make the recruiting process easier, there are many reasons you should look into using recruiting software.

Recruiting software not only makes life easier for those in the HR department, but makes the company as a whole function better, be more focused, more organized and make better and more informed decisions. Recruiting software also helps companies save a considerable amount of time and money, according to an article by Ezine.

Most recruiting software is capable of handling employee information, such as names, addresses, income tax withholdings, available vacation days, holiday pay, child support payments, garnishing and retirement savings. Most software also allows employers to better use direct deposit and print statements, forms and reports.

Continue reading “Recruiting Software Benefits”

With 2010 already in full swing, companies should include HR software as part of their plan for the new year.

Just as individuals often make New Year’s resolutions, companies across all industries also often make resolutions for the year ahead. Focusing on the right resolutions can help your company do what it takes to succeed and ultimately come out ahead.

The most important thing to focus on during the new year is your most important asset: your employees. By focusing on hiring intelligently all the time, your company can continue to see an increase in employee stability.

Continue reading “HR Software Should Be Part of Your Resolution”

Most HR managers believe their companies would benefit from recruiting software.

The most recent HR Challenges Survey from Taleo found that the top three challenges facing HR managers in the United Kingdom this year are succession planning, employee retention and providing leadership with better management information and reporting.

Unfortunately, it does not appear as though HR departments will have the additional funding to help them manage talent and support business leadership. Of the respondents, about 70 percent predict that less than 10 percent of their company’s technology funding will be used on tools to help them manage talent.

Continue reading “Recruiting Software Benefits HR Managers”

It’s no surprise that the current economic recession has had a negative impact on business, and during times when companies are hiring fewer employees, ATS (Click here) and recruiting software companies also begin to suffer.

Fortunately, however, the opposite also is true. That means as companies begin to feel more financially stable and want to start hiring new employees and creating new jobs, recruiting companies can expect to see a surge in business. According to a new report, that is already beginning to happen.

Bullhorn, a staffing and recruiting software company, recently released “Recovery: Are We There Yet?” For the report, the company asked staffing and recruiting professionals about their expectations for economic recovery and its effect on the industry.

Continue reading “ATS and Recruiting Software Companies to See Business Increase”

As the current state of the economy has led many people to start their own businesses, chances are there is a small business owner in your life who you might be considering buying a gift for.

While the holidays mean family time and relaxation to many, they often mean an increase in production and hiring for small business owners, especially those who want to take advantage of the time when larger companies shut down. There are some gifts you can give to make this time of year a little easier on the small business owner in your life, including gift certificates, office essentials and ATS. Visit to learn more.

Here are the top five gifts for small business owners:

Most companies today use some form of recruiting software (Click here), as well as software for human resources, payroll and staffing purposes. However, those companies may not know how much more they could benefit from Software as a Service.

Software as a Service, or SaaS, is a fairly new business model that allows companies to use the software applications they rely on every day in a whole new way. There are currently thousands of SaaS applications that can handle a variety of tasks.

New technology is allowing SaaS companies to provide their services to clients at a low cost by using cloud computing, open development and flexible software models. In addition, SaaS allows companies to choose their own pricing plan so they can get the most for their money.

Continue reading “5 Reasons to Use Recruiting Software Via SaaS”

Companies that are worried about staffing could stand to benefit from implementing HR software (Click here).

A recent survey from SWC Technology Partners looked at the technologies, strategies and tactics generating the biggest impact for mid-market companies, as well as less vital projects those companies are putting off until next year.

When asked about staffing, the number of respondents who said they are looking to boost application development in staffing levels was 13 percent higher than last year, while the number turning to outsourcing was 6 percent higher than last year.

Continue reading “HR Software Could Benefit Companies with Increasing Staffing Needs”

Most private businesses know that using an applicant tracking system, or ATS, during the hiring process can be extremely beneficial, especially in terms of saving time and money. Lately, however, that trend seems to be working its way into public sector businesses, such as governments and schools.

Most recently, officials in the United Kingdom announced that the use of an ATS or other recruiting software could reduce the country’s national cost of advertising for school teacher and support staff positions by almost two-thirds.

In response, a new Schools Recruitment Service was created, which offers schools a faster and more efficient and standardized application system. About 52 local authorities representing more than 8,000 schools and 32 academies have already signed up to use the new software.

Continue reading “ATS Saves Schools Millions”

Most employers know their company can benefit from the use of HR software, but more and more employers are figuring out ways to use the software more effectively. Go to to learn more.

One problem many employers are encountering, according to an article by CRM Buyer, is that some employees are abusing time cards and accounting for false overtime. In addition, manual time and attendance record-keeping can often lead to costly errors in payroll accounting.

Because of these issues, many employers are beginning to use automated time and attendance programs, which can greatly reduce the costs associated with traditional record-keeping and cut down the chance of errors and falsities. The software also can help companies more efficiently use personnel resources.

Continue reading “HR Software Manages Time and Attendance”

We previously reported that recruitment software company Bullhorn had produced a white paper advising recruiters on how they can use LinkedIn and other social networks for recruiting purposes.

Now, BrightMove, Inc., an applicant tracking system and recruitment software (Click here) company that provides services for HR, staffing and recruitment outsourcing companies, also has released a white paper designed to help recruiting firms and HR departments get their social media recruitment efforts in gear.

The white paper focuses on the fact that recruiting software should only be one small aspect of recruiting and that creativity and networking savvy are driving the recruiting revolution.

Continue reading “Recruitment Software Company Releases Social Networking White Paper”

If you or your company is considering purchasing HR software, you may be wondering if you should hire an HR consultant to help you out.

According to an article by, whether or not you should hire an HR consultant to help you evaluate and select the right HR software depends on the complexity of your organization’s needs, your experience with the process and the potential consultant’s knowledge and experience.

“HR consultants can provide a valuable resource for those companies with complex HRIS/HRMS selection needs, provided they have the experience with the various HR systems on the market,” the article notes. “Overworked or understaffed HR departments may not have the time and energy to devote to the entire HR systems selection process.”

Continue reading “HR Software and HR Consultants”

A new survey found that a surprisingly low number of companies are using applicant tracking system technology. Visit to learn more about ATS.

TalentDrive recently released a survey of more than 8,000 Fortune 1000 companies and staffing firms. About 51 percent of respondents said “filtering through the mass of resumes and increased number of applicants” was the biggest sourcing challenge companies are currently facing.

However, about 54 percent of companies said the quality of candidates they were able to find met or exceeded their expectations. Most companies agreed the best way to find qualified talent is through social media and online job boards, while 59 percent said they had more luck recruiting talent through employee referrals and 98 percent had no luck finding talent within the company’s existing ATS.

Continue reading “ATS Use Surprisingly Low”

If you’re a job seeker, chances are you’ve been applying for jobs online. Whether you’re aware of it or not, chances are that your resume is being filtered through an applicant tracking system before it ever even has the opportunity to reach a human being.

As we discussed in a previous post, most companies in today’s hiring world send resumes through applicant tracking systems before they ever get read by human eyes. While it might not be very beneficial to job seekers, an ATS helps the company to create efficiencies in the hiring process.

Job seekers who are unaware of ATS are often baffled when they spend countless hours submitting their resume online, only to hear nothing in return. Even people with good work experience and strong employment backgrounds can slip through the cracks.

Continue reading “ATS and Your Resume”

These days many companies are looking at how they can use social networking sites in addition to their current recruitment software.

Bullhorn, a provider of front office recruitment software, recently released “How Bullhorn Sees it: Six Tips for Using LinkedIn and Other Social Networks for Recruitment Success,” a white paper advising recruiters on how to use LinkedIn and other social networks for recruiting purposes.

The company said it produced the paper in response to growing anxiety amongst recruiters who often think that LinkedIn could threaten the industry by giving employers direct access to candidates.

Continue reading “Recruitment Software Provider Ponders Power of Social Networks”

Recruiting software solutions are making it easier for students at one Michigan university to find jobs. Go to to learn more about recruiting software.

The Central Michigan University Student Employment Services office works with about 5,500 students every year, helping them find employment on and off campus. Fortunately for students, almost all CMU departments hire students for a variety of job assignments during the year.

According to an article by The Morning Sun, students can apply for those positions simply by checking postings in the Student Employment Services office and contacting the department to fill out a job application or by filling out an online application on the department’s Web site.

Continue reading “Recruiting Software Helps Students Find Work”

Many retail stores can benefit from using applicant tracking systems (Click here).

Rite Aid is just one example of a retail store that can tout the success it encountered after implementing an ATS. The drugstore lists between 400 and 500 job openings at any given time. In the past, Rite Aid’s applicant tracking process involved manual data entry and paper pushing and talent managers struggling to keep up with about 100,000 candidates each year.

After Ride Aid acquired the Brooks and Eckerd pharmacy chains, it became more concerned with the process. The acquisition increased the number of Rite Aid locations from 3,300 to more than 5,000.

Continue reading “ATS Benefits Retail Stores”

Staffing software and other workforce management solutions have helped make shrinking employee staffs more efficient amid the current recession.

The manufacturing industry is one that has been dramatically effected by the current state of the economy. The industry has seen a drastic decrease in production and a large increase in the need to layoff more employees than usual.

One way manufacturing companies are getting around the problem of having a much smaller workforce is by using some form of staffing software. This type of software helps companies maximize the productivity of the employees that do remain.

Continue reading “Staffing Software Benefits Manufacturing Companies”

With the economic recession negatively impacting the recruiting and staffing industry, could implementing recruiting software help your company?

Sendouts recently released the results of its 2009 Recruiter Economic Survey, which found that the economy is not helping the industry. Respondents were asked questions that compared their current numbers to what they were before the current economic recession.

Prior to the downturn, only 6 percent of respondents handled between one and three job orders at a time, but since the downturn began, that number has increased to 44 percent. The number of respondents handling larger volumes of job orders also has been affected, with 24 percent handling 10 or more job postings at the same time prior to the recession and only 5 percent currently falling into that category.

Continue reading “Recruiting Software Could Help Suffering Industry”

If you’re looking into implementing recruitment software for your company, you’re probably wondering where to start. Click here to learn more.

According to an article by, software packages usually come in three types: front office candidate and client and vacancy matching software, back office payroll and invoicing software, and all-in-one software. The last combines the functions of the first two.

Front office software also can be known as recruitment database software, candidate and job matching software or executive search software. However, the function of these different types of software is basically the same.

Continue reading “Recruitment Software Basics”

Applicant tracking systems and other types of recruiting software may be able to help companies who are having a tough time staying afloat during the current economic recession.

Applicant tracking systems and other types of recruiting software may be able to help companies who are trying to stay afloat during the current economic recession. Click here to learn more.

If your company is on the brink of going under, or just looking for some new ways to save money, it’s important to have an HR strategy. Making sure everyone is on the same page and following the same logic will help ensure long-term success.

Recessions such as the one we’re in now can result in companies having to decide who gets laid off and who gets hired in a pinch. These can be extremely daunting decisions.

Continue reading “ATS Helps Companies During Recession”

There are many things to consider when choosing a staffing software for your company. But, if you choose the right software, the benefits will greatly outweigh any costs in the end.

If your company is being inundated with resumes from job seekers, like many throughout the country currently are, you may want to consider implementing some type of Web-based staffing software solution.

Web-based staffing software uses artificial intelligence and resume tracking software to collect, sort through and rank large amounts of resumes and candidate information. That information is then turned over to hiring managers and recruiters so they can more easily and efficiently select the right person for the job.

However, when implementing  staffing software, there are many things to consider, according to an article by eHow:

  • Staffing software can reduce the amount of pressure placed on hiring managers. Software eliminates much of the administrative work required by old fashioned methods and allows recruiters to better describe the critical skills needed for job success, which in turn increases the chances of finding the best candidate.
  • Continue reading “Staffing Software Tips”

We all know that these days most companies use applicant tracking systems to help with the recruiting process.

While most companies have systems that can reach thousands of candidates and find that perfect employee, many recruiters and beginning to think this is an outdated way of recruiting. Recruiting efficiency usually comes from applicant management software that promotes teamwork and collaboration from hiring managers and recruiters.

So how can companies make applicant tracking systems better? Here are a few suggestions from Darwin Redshield at Articlebase.

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If your company is looking into implementing HR software to make certain functions easier, there are some tips to keep in mind when choosing a software provider.

Any good HR software is capable of handling employee information, such as names, addresses, income tax withholdings, available vacation days, holiday pay, child support payments, garnishing and retirement savings. Most software also allows employers to better use direct deposit and print statements, forms and reports.

HR software also can reduce the amount of time the HR department spends on daunting tasks such as payroll. Good HR software will help improve productivity, cut labor costs and improve the quality of decision making. Payroll has become a critical financial aspect of running a business of any size and should be taken into account when choosing an HR software provider.

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Formatting your resume for an applicant tracking system may be an easy way to get noticed.

If you’re applying for job after job you think you’re qualified for and getting no response, you might be able to change your luck with some simple tweaking of your resume.

In today’s hiring world, most companies send resumes through applicant tracking systems before they ever reach a human.  While it might not be very beneficial to job seekers, an ATS helps the company to create efficiencies in the hiring process.

According to an article by Examiner, an ATS is a software application designed for recruitment tracking purposes and to manage resume data. An ATS collects job-seeker information from data fields submitted on the company Web site, from applicants who apply on job boards or data retrieved by manually scanning resumes.

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Although the economy is currently in shambles, companies should be thinking about how to be well-prepared when things start to rebound. Instituting some sort of recruitment software is only the beginning.

Hiring is slow right now, but the time will soon come when employers have to be prepared to bulk up their workforces once again. Those human resource executives who spend this time forming a strategy and revising their recruiting efforts will come out on top.

According to an article by Human Resource Executive Online, there are five steps companies can take to make sure they’re prepared:
Continue reading “Recruitment Software Part of Rebound”

If you or your company is new to the world of recruiting software, it’s important to know how to implement the software in order to use it to your advantage.

According to an article by HR Management, one of the most important tasks of managing human resources is to recruit the most talented employees available. This can be done by successfully implementing an effective employee recruiting strategy that utilizes proven techniques and software designed to streamline the recruiting process.

First, it’s important to figure out who you want to work for your company. Often companies embark on an executive search without realizing what or who they’re looking for. It helps to outline a list of metrics that point out the skills and qualifications needed and match those to the applicants you’re recruiting. Software that is specialized in the recruitment process is ideal for helping you effectively identify the ideal job candidate.

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A new report found that applicant tracking is an important part of any HR staffers duties, among other things.

The Bernard Hodes Group recently released the HR Department Structure and Staffing Trends Report, which provides an overview of HR staffing for 2008. According to an article by, the report focuses on how HR professionals use their time and get things done.

The report found that for employers with less than 1,000 employees, the HR department had an average of five HR employees, with three in recruiting. Companies with more than 1,000 employees had an average of 29 HR staff members, with 12 in recruiting.

Continue reading “Applicant Tracking Important to HR”

In a time when many different people with different experience levels are applying for the same jobs, candidates should be focusing on the importance of their resumes.

A successful resume will include several elements, including keywords that are ATS friendly. Click here to learn more about applicant tracking systems. According to an article by Human Resource Executive Online, resumes also should place importance on focus, accomplishments, branding, uniqueness and appearance.

Following are the reasons each element is important to your resume:

  • Keywords – Most resumes you submit are sent through applicant tracking systems before they reach an actual person. ATS use software and databases that are searchable by keywords, meaning if your resume contains the same keywords as a company’s ATS, it’s more likely to be noticed.
  • Continue reading “ATS Should be Focus of Resumes”

Implementing recruiting software could help the government, companies and other organizations avoid the impending increase in recruiting costs.

As the number of jobs decrease and the number of people looking for work increases, it’s imminent that recruiting costs will soon begin to rise. The cost of recruiting public service employees alone is set to increase to $370 million per year., an Australian software company, recently released a survey that found the number of electronic job applications received by Australian government departments during the last 12 months increased by 10 percent, although there was a 30 percent decrease in the number of new job chief executive officer Mike Giuffrida warned that increased competition would put pressure on government recruitment costs.

“As competition increases for fewer jobs, the task and cost of finding the best candidate will only become greater,” CEO Mike Giuffrida said in an article by Australia’s Government News. “In our experience, much of this recruitment expenditure may be unwarranted.”

Giuffrida said government departments, as well as other companies that may face recruiting cost increases, can update their recruitment software to reduce future costs.

“The next wave of e-recruitment technology promises to dramatically reduce recruitment cost and time by providing HR teams with enhanced analytical tools and a greater ability to automate crucial functions, such as internal reporting, merit-based assessment and on-boarding,” he said.
